Routine is designed for speed. As a result, the app is loaded with keyboard shortcuts to perform redundant operations as quickly as possible.

<aside> πŸ’‘ You will sometimes see CMD/CTRL and ⌘/^ to indicate that the COMMAND key must be used on macOS or CONTROL must be used on Windows. Likewise, OPT/ALT and βŒ₯/βŽ‡ represent OPTION on macOS or ALT on Windows.


πŸ“‹ Dashboard

Binding (symbol) Binding (text) Action
^ ⎡ CTRL+SPACE Open the dashboard (when closed)
Hide the dashboard (when opened)
βŽ‹ ESCAPE Close the dashboard

πŸ’» Console

Binding (symbol) Binding (text) Action
↑/↓ UP/DOWN Select a suggestion
↡ ENTER Suggestion: validate a selected suggestion
General: validate the action (e.g create a task)
β‡₯ TAB Validate a selected suggestion
↡ ENTER Submit the command
⌘/^ ↡ CMD/CTRL+ENTER Submit the command and open the associated object
βŽ‹ ESCAPE Escapes a word not to be interpreted as a keyword

🧭 Navigation

Binding (symbol) Binding (text) Action
↓/↑ DOWN/UP Select the first/last item in a list (when nothing is selected)
↓/↑ DOWN/UP Select an item in a list
⌘/^ [ CMD/CTRL+[ Navigate to previous screen (back)
⌘/^ ] CMD/CTRL+] Navigate to next screen (forward)
⌘/^ ⇧ [ CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+[ Navigate to previous period (day/week/month/etc.)
⌘/^ ⇧ ] CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+] Navigate to next period (day/week/month/etc.)
⌘/^ ← CMD/CTRL+LEFT Navigate to previous period (day/week/month/etc.)
⌘/^ β†’ CMD/CTRL+RIGHT Navigate to previous next (day/week/month/etc.)
⌘/^ ⇧ \\ CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+\\ Navigate to the current period (day/week/month/etc.)
⌘/^ 1/2/3/4 CMD/CTRL+1/2/3/4 Navigate to Agenda/Calendar/Tasks/Notes
⌘/^ , CMD/CTRL+, Navigate to Settings
⌘/^ ↓ CMD/CTRL+DOWN Navigate to next screen in menu
⌘/^ ↑ CMD/CTRL+UP Navigate to previous screen in menu
⌘/^ \\ CMD/CTRL+\\ Expand/retract menu
⌘/^ ⇧ ↑ CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+UP Toggle the top pane
⌘/^ ⇧ ↓ CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN Toggle the bottom pane
⌘/^ ⇧ ← CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT Toggle the left pane
⌘/^ CLICK CMD/CTRL+CLICK Open link in browser
βŽ‹ ESCAPE Close the modal/pop-up
⌘/^ F CMD/CTRL+F Search

πŸ“¦ Objects


Binding (symbol) Binding (text) Action
⌘/^ ↡ CMD/CTRL+ENTER Open the selected task, event, page, contact etc.
⌘/^ C CMD/CTRL+C Copy the selected item's title
↑/↓ UP/DOWN Select a template for the object’s notes
↡ ENTER Validate a selected template
⌘/^ ⌫/**␑** CMD/CTRL+BACKSPACE/DELETE Delete the selected/opened object


Binding (symbol) Binding (text) Action
↡ ENTER Rename the selected task
⌘/^ E CMD/CTRL+E Complete/uncomplete selected/opened task
⌘/^ . CMD/CTRL+. Complete/uncomplete selected/opened task
⌘/^ ⇧ I CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+I Won’t do/unwon’t do selected/opened task
⌘/^ ⇧ A CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+A Restore to undone the selected/opened task
⌘/^ L CMD/CTRL+L Schedule/reschedule selected/opened task
⌘/^ βŒ₯ L CMD/CTRL+OPT/ALT+L Unschedule selected/opened task
⌘/^ P CMD/CTRL+P Postpone selected/opened task
⌘/^ βŒ₯ P CMD/CTRL+OPT/ALT+P Unpostpone selected/opened task
⌘/^ ⇧ M CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+M Move selected/opened task
⌘/^ ⇧ O CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+O Open source link associated with the selected/opened task


Binding (symbol) Binding (text) Action
⌘/^ J CMD/CTRL+J Open the event’s associated conference link
⌘/^ ⇧ I CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+I Ignore/unignore selected/opened event
⌘/^ ⌫/**␑** CMD/CTRL+BACKSPACE/DELETE Cancel the select/opened/meeting


Binding (symbol) Binding (text) Action
⌘/^ ⇧ A CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+A Archive/unarchive selected/opened page


<aside> πŸ›‘ Not available yet!


✍️ Notes